What Can You Expect From Dental Implants in Milwaukee WI?

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Dentist

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There are several reasons you could be missing some of your natural teeth. You may have lost them through the aging process, cavities, injuries or you may have been born with the problem. To replace your missing teeth, the dentist can give you Dental Implants in Milwaukee WI. Dental implants can permanently replace your missing teeth so you can have full function and be proud of your smile.

Before deciding on dental implants, you need to be aware of what to expect. There are a couple of different phases to getting implants. First, you need to make sure you are a good candidate. The dentist will need to examine your mouth and make sure your gum tissue is healthy. Once it has been decided you can get implants, your first session will be scheduled.

The first session involves the placement of your anchors. Anchors are made of titanium and act as the roots of your artificial teeth. These are put in through a surgical procedure carried out in your dentist’s office. The procedure is done under anesthesia so you do not feel any pain or discomfort.

The implants become a permanent part of your bone tissue because the titanium is able to bond with the bone tissue. This takes place over three to six months, depending on how healthy your body is and your age. It is important you follow your dentist’s instructions for care during this time so you properly heal.

The second phase of getting your implants involves placing the artificial teeth on the anchors. The dentist will work to make sure they are placed in such a way that allows them to properly function and provide you with the most natural look. Once your full implants are in, you will be able to enjoy eating all of the foods you once could not. You will also regain your full confidence in your smile.

If you want to learn more about your options for dental implants, contact Frank R. Galka D.D.S. Through Dental Implants in Milwaukee WI, you can overcome the problems with your smile and enjoy a full restoration.

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