Methods for Teeth Whitening Barrington

by | Apr 12, 2013 | Dentist

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Family DentistA smile is often the first thing a person will notice about a stranger. Ensuring that you have a healthy and bright smile is ideal if you plan to make a good first impression. Of course, great oral care and a healthy diet is part of keeping your smile looking its best. However, there are also other methods available for people who have stained, browning and yellowing teeth, cosmetic teeth whitening. Typically, Teeth Whitening Barrington methods include in-home treatments and those performed by a dental professional.

In-Home Treatments

In-home treatments include the use of teeth whitening strips. You can typically find these strips at any drug store and they are fairly inexpensive. Teeth whitening strips use peroxide to help you with whitening your teeth. Since these over the counter methods will have a limit on the amount of peroxide they contain, they will generally take longer to produce results than a treatment option performed by a dental professional. Another popular in-home treatment option is tooth whitening toothpastes. These toothpastes include a small amount of abrasives that, with daily use, work to remove stains from your teeth. Some whitening toothpaste may also include polishing agents in their ingredients that work to prevent future stains. However, they are not designed to actually bleach your teeth.

In-Office Treatment Options

Tooth whitening, or bleaching, performed by a dental professional is a non-invasive dental treatment that will often yield results after just one visit. A highly-concentrated peroxide gel is first applied on your teeth. The gel remains on your teeth for about an hour, however, it is broken up into 15 to 20 minute treatment blocks with small breaks in between. The majority of patients will receive excellent results after just one session, however, should further whitening be desired, additional sessions can be added. Dental professionals also offer patients the option to complete their treatment at home with prescribed whitening kits. These take-home kits are similiar in method to what you would purchase in a drug store, but with a higher dose of peroxide. A solution is inserted into custom-fitted bleaching trays that are worn for an hour each day. They take longer to resemble the treatments performed by a experienced dentist, but they do offer great results.

Determining which method is best for you can be a challenge. Consulting with a Teeth Whitening Barrington dental professional is the best way to make your decision.

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